Sierra Hike '06

Enrico has to get back to his business so Jim is on his own for a couple days
while he waits for Vince and Holly to arrive and paint the cabin.

Beginnig the hike

Jim takes the opportunity to hike a trail near the entrance to Yosemite
on the westen side of Saddleback Lake called the 20 Lake Loop.
Here he is at the trailhead getting ready for a fun hike.

Meadow trail

The trail winds past Saddlebag Lake (off to the right here)
on it's way to a beautiful valley dotted with lakes.


Jim stops at Steelhead Lake to have lunch and take in the scenery.

Sharmock Lake

One of Jim's favorite sites on the hike is Shamrock Lake,
a jewel in the eastern Sierras.

Jim completes the loop and heads back to the cabin
to await the upcoming painting party

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last updated 5-25-08

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