Release of Decollate Snails
The Decollate Snails are packaged 50 per cup. Since the snails need to find each other to mate, it is best to create small colonies of the snails in an area by emptying each cup in one pile and letting the snails spread out from there on their own.
The snails don't cross concrete or turf easily, so it is best to put at least on cup in each planter bed or other area where the Brown Garden Snail is a problem. In a large planter bed or in an area with ground cover, create a grid system to disperse the Decollate Snails somewhat evenly spaced throughout the infested area. As the decollates reproduce and grow in numbers they will spread out until they eventually meet up with the other colonies.
The Decollate Snail is susceptible to snail bait, so once you release them you should stop baiting. You can continue to reduce pest snail numbers by using snail boards. A snail board is any type of shelter that is used by the pest snails. Typically they are made by cutting plywood into pieces about 12" x 12" and then attaching legs to hold the board about 3/4" to 1" off the ground, like a little airplane hangar.
The pest snails feed during the night and around dawn, when they are seeking a place to pass the day, they stick themselves onto the under side of the snail boards. One can then just go around during the day picking up the snail boards and scraping the snails into a bucket for disposal. The tops of the snail boards can be painted to camouflage them. The Decollate Snail does not climb, so this method gets rid of large numbers of the large, reproductively active pest snails while the decollates become established.
If the ground where the decollates are to be released is dry, irrigate it until the ground is damp at least an inch deep. If the ground is wet from rains, this is not needed. It is helpful, but not necessary, to turn on the irrigation system for a few minutes after releasing the decollates.